

Floor shot blasting machine

Shot Blast Floor Striping
The preparation method of shot blasting the concrete surface to remove the top layer, combined with a coating of epoxy resin compound, is the most cost-effective high-performance striping solution available.

Our investment in the latest floor preparation developments means BRTK Services can remove very precise amounts of concrete floor, to specific widths. Shot blast floor striping installed using this equipment, prevents the floor from being left unsealed, since the blast face is the same width as the coating applied.

Accuracy and control are key which is why we spend time and money on the best equipment, training and people to provide the high quality product expected.

What is it? 
Our shot blast machine fires highly control shot at the concrete within a captive system. On impact, the concrete surface breaks away in fine parts, revealing a fresh and roughened surface beneath. This process is clean and controlled by a vacuum system, preventing dust and debris leaving the machine.
The chosen paint system is then sprayed or roller applied, creating one of the most durable floor striping systems available.


Contact Us

Tel: 86-532-86168115
Whatsapp&Wechat: +86-18561456376
E-mail: anne@besttechmachinery.com