Analysis of common problems in resin sand casting process

Analysis of common problems in resin sand casting process
Due to the advantages of producing castings with good surface quality, high dimensional accuracy, low scrap rate, wide applicability, low technical requirements for workers, greatly reducing labor intensity and improving working environment, more and more domestic companies are choosing the self hardening resin sand casting process. Although the self hardening resin sand casting technology has matured, there are still many problems in the production process.
In the production process of self hardening resin sand casting, the following issues need to be noted.
Pay regular attention to the operation of the equipment
The operation of equipment directly affects the production cost and quality of castings. Therefore, in casting production, it is necessary to pay attention to the operation of equipment regularly, and promptly analyze and solve any abnormal operation. The following two aspects should be emphasized:
1. Pay attention to the operation of dust removal equipment.
The quality of dust removal equipment directly affects the regeneration cost and casting quality of recycled sand. In casting production, abnormal operation of dust removal equipment is often difficult to detect. However, if the dust removal effect of dust removal equipment is not good, it not only affects the working environment and pollutes the air, but more importantly, it affects the micro powder content of recycled sand, The direct result is an increase in the amount of resin added during sand mixing and an increase in the scrap rate of castings due to poor permeability.
2. Pay attention to the operation of the sand mixing equipment.
Whether the sand mixer can operate normally directly affects the quality of sand mixing, and the amount of liquid materials (resin, curing agent) added is the most critical. In general, the amount of resin added is achieved by controlling the voltage of the gear pump motor, and the amount of curing agent added is achieved by controlling the voltage of the diaphragm pump motor. Due to seasonal and weather changes, the viscosity of the liquid material changes. Under the same voltage, the amount of liquid material added will fluctuate, and the curing agent is prone to crystallization, causing valve and pipeline blockage. Therefore, the liquid material pipeline should be cleaned every shift, Check the amount of liquid added every week to ensure accuracy